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Why Belong to the Clan Society in Scotland?

Why Belong to the Clan Society in Scotland?

In essence, the job of the Society in Scotland is to be the trunk of the tree from which the branches spring. Its health depends on support from clansfolk who wish to preserve and enhance their heritage.

A Yearly Clan Annual. The Annual includes information about the Clan and reports from the various Clan Branches around the world. Articles relating to clan history, archaeological digs with a Clan connection are featured as well as articles about battles, and various aspects of Scottish life.

Your dues help to maintain the Clan Centre and Museum which preserves and promotes the Clan’s heritage and artefacts. Located at Bruar in Perthshire, although the Clan Museum, built in 1969, was the first purpose-built clan museum in Scotland, it is now an antiques shop but a new museum are has been made within the Centre and also, in addition to the artefacts preserved, there is a Reading Room where members can discover more about the Clan, the Society and its history. A Gift Shop contains souvenirs featuring the surnames and crests of all the clans of Scotland plus many gift ideas in a wide price range.

The International Society gives grants to various bodies which have a bearing on the Clan. Examples include sponsorship of the Poet Chief’s archery medal at St. Andrews and a Donnachaidh memorial stone at the recently opened Visitor Centre at Culloden.

The Clan Secretary works in the Clan Centre by answering queries from members and non-members alike, helping to spread the word about Clan Donnachaidh, "the Children of Duncan". Their emails can be found on the Contacts page.

The Clan Society Newsletter edited by Clan Council member, Stephanie Robertson, which updates us on events and activities held in our clan country in Scotland. Stephanie also provides important information on the Clan DNA Project.

An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held each year, attended by Clan members from the four corners of the earth. A report of the year’s accomplishments is given and plans for the new year voted on. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet the Chief and his family, Donnachaidh cousins from around the world, and to experience the joy of being in Scotland, to bask in the joy of being "home".

In summary, the job of the Clan Society in Scotland is to maintain the heart and spirit of our heritage. This affords us a unique view of our family roots as more than an excuse to don a kilt. Your annual dues are needed to preserve this evidence of our heritage for our children and grandchildren.

Why not join your Clan Society and meet the rest of your family? Visit the Membership page for information.


Clan Donnachaidh Society,

Clan Donnachaidh Centre,

Bruar, Pitlochry, Perthshire,

PH18 5TW, UK

Clan Donnachaidh Society is a Scottish Charity, SCO44296, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) 

©2023 by Clan Donnachaidh Society.

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